
「 [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 」價格PK大~平~台!

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後來發現..這邊買 [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 真的超值!



最後跟大家說 [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 最近真的很熱門







[預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads

20130108bk_HQ8 Spectra

Product Description
Size: 1-pk
Philips Norelco HQ8 Replacement Heads provide a comfortable electric shave. The Super Lift and Cut dual-blade action lifts hair to cut comfortably close below skin level, and the DualPrecision System includes slots and holes to effectively remove long hairs and short stubble, resulting in a smooth shave. Flexing heads automatically adjust to the curves of the face and neck.
Compatibility Information
The HQ8 replacement heads are compatible with the following Philips Norelco series: 7100 series, 7200 series, 7300 series, 7700 series, 7800, 8800 series, PT/AT700 series, and PT/AT800 series. If you do not see your model listed here, use the compatibility tool to determine the correct replacement head for your shaver.

Cuts Long Hairs and Short Stubble
The DualPrecision shaving system is designed to effectively shave both longer hairs and short stubble for precise results and a smooth finish. The flexing heads keep the shaving surface in close contact with your skin for a fast and efficient shave.

Super Lift and Cut Technology Provides a Close Shave
The replacement heads are equipped with the patented Super Lift and Cut System which is designed to give you a close and comfortable shave as the first blade lifts while the second blade cuts comfortably below skin level.

Low-Friction SkinGlide Surface for an Extra Smooth Shave
The low-friction SkinGlide shaving surface slides smoothly along your skin for a close, easy shave.

Replace Every Year for Best Results
Replace the shaving heads every year to keep your shaves close and comfortable. The shaving heads are easy to replace.

  1. Switch off the razor and disconnect it from the power outlet.

  2. Press the release button to open the shaving unit.

  3. Turn the lock anticlockwise (1) and remove the retaining frame (2).

  4. Remove the shaving heads and place new ones in the shaving unit.

  5. Make sure that the projections of the shaving heads fit exactly into the recesses.

  6. Put the retaining frame back into the shaving unit and turn the lock clockwise.

  7. Close the shaving unit until you hear a click.

  8. 開箱文

Product Details
Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 6.3 x 0.4 inches ; 2.2 ounces
Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces
Item model number: HQ8





[預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 01熱門, [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 部落客推薦, [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 好用嗎?, [預購促銷 隔月8日寄出] 替換刀頭 Philips Norelco HQ8 一組三入 Tripleheader Replacement Heads 去哪買?


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